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It was another crazy day in Billy’s office going through to-do lists, running to meetings, and writing emails when he noticed little creature staring at us… we thought it would fly away, but a few hours later, the little bird was still there.  Fearing that it was hurt, Billy turned to his facebook & twitter friends for some advice.

One of them suggested to call the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors. When I called them, someone immediately answered and asked me specific questions on the bird’s condition. They identified the bird as a cedar waxing and determined that they would need to send a volunteer from their organization to come out and rescue the bird- check out the video above for footage of the full rescue (in the video you can see our Rockit Ranch family came out to help- some in the streets to catch the bird in case it fell & others in Billy’s office for support!)

Did you know that 1 billion birds in the US alone die from hitting glass buildings?! The Chicago Bird Collision Monitors is a conservation effort for migratory birds that works to rescue birds from striking buildings and educates the public to find solutions to lower bird-building collisions. They truly are outstanding! In 2010, the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors saved over 6,000 birds from more than 120 different species. It’s so nice to know that there are people out there who volunteer to take time out of their day to help our little friends. For more info, check out their website:!


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